Contact Us Simply Divorced NCRethinking separation and divorce through collaborative settlement! Facebook-f Instagram Linkedin-in Youtube Simply Divorced NC 252-565-8562 704 Cromwell Dr. Suite G, Greenville, NC 27858 Office Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9:00 am to 5:00 pm * Other appointment times available upon request, our hours sometimes vary so please email us or call the office to ensure our hours for the day). Full Legal Name (required): Phone Number (required): Email Address (required): Subject (required): Full Name of Spouse/Partner/Other Party(ies) involved (required): Your message (required): I understand that the use of the internet and Contact Form with Simply Divorced NC or any representative of the firm does not create an attorney-client relationship. The form is requesting only basic information about your legal matter and you should not send confidential or time-sensitive information through this form. Full Legal Name (required): Phone Number (required): Email Address (required): Subject (required): Full Name of Spouse/Partner/Other Party(ies) involved (required): Your message (required): I understand that the use of the internet and Contact Form with Simply Divorced NC or any representative of the firm does not create an attorney-client relationship. The form is requesting only basic information about your legal matter and you should not send confidential or time-sensitive information through this form. Lisa Hennessy FitzpatrickReviewsout of 57 reviews Lisa Hennessy FitzpatrickClients’ ChoiceAward 2021